Choose the Right Divorce Mediator

Choose the Right Divorce Mediator

Divorce Mediation Office In Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
  • 30 years’ experience divorce mediator!
  • 40 years’ experience divorce lawyer!
  • Decades experience teaching and lecturing on mediation and divorce!
  • Wrote the book on drafting agreements for separation and divorce and wrote the chapter on alternative dispute resolution for the student textbook.
  • Two most important qualifications – professional training and experience, plus personal empathy and trust!
  • Professional and compassionate!
  • Thorough and complete review of all potential issues – marital, parenting, property and financial!
  • Dedicated guide through every step of the process from initial introduction to final decree!
  • Firm belief in informed decision-making after questions and answers and understanding of the entire process!
  • Primary practice focus on divorce mediation!
  • Originally trained and certified in the mid 1990s and continuing education since then through attending seminars and workshops at local and national organization conferences!
  • Background in law with understanding of human behavior, child development, and psychology!
  • Member of the leading dispute resolution and family law organizations: Academy of Professional Family Mediators – Advanced Practitioner Member, Association of Conflict Resolution, and Association of Family and Conciliation Courts!